It’s Cats Play
Developed in partnership with Eaton Gorge Theatre Company, It’s Cats Play includes a range of educational resources which aim to help primary students and teachers learn and the ways that they can help to save the native plants and animals of the K2W corridor.
Inspiring responsible pet owners
Following our successful glideways schools program we have partnered with the Eaton Gorge Theatre Company to expand our program to tackle one of the biggest threats to our native wildlife, the domestic cat.
Juliet Scrine and Ian McColm have been working with ecologists, threatened species experts and teachers to create an interactive stage show about cats, It’s Cats Play- A catastrophic story.
It’s Cats Play – Live Stage Show, videos, Teaching resources and Virtual classes.
It’s Cats Play – A catastrophic story is a 45 minute interactive play that is available for schools to book a performance for their students free of charge of within the K2W corridor as part of our Saving our Species program. (other schools outside of the corridor can book performances directly with Eaton Gorge Theatre Company).
Additional resources have also been developed to compliment the play and allow access to schools right across NSW. There are teaching guides for stage 1, 2 and 3 which can be downloaded below, short educational videos and virtual lessons. These can be booked through the Distance and Rural Technology (DART) learning website

It’s Cats Play- Teaching Resource Books
It’s Cats Play- Teaching Videos
Book a performance of It’s Cats Play
Bookings can be made directly through Eaton Gorge Theatre Company