Habitat Monitoring

Regular monitoring of habitat helps us to understand how glider populations and their environment are changing over time.

Ensuring healthy habitat

Regular monitoring of glider habitat to check on the condition and highlight potential declines in health is an important part of Glideways.

Gliders have a strong preference for mature forest or woodland that is in good condition. It is vital that we are can identify areas that contain suitable glider habitat and also keep track of its health.

To achieve this, we involve the community in onground research work. This consists of:

  • An initial survey of key habitat features, including the distribution and abundance of hollow-bearing and feed trees;
  • Transect surveys of vegetation condition to determine its health taking into account both positive (amount of ground cover etc) and negative (presence of weeds etc) indicators.
  • Glider population counts using spotlighting surveys, monitoring of nests and tree hollows, and camera trapping.

These surveys are repeated at regular intervals to provide us with a better understanding of how our environment and glider population numbers are changing over time.

Revegetation on private land as part of K2W project

Apply for a grant

Each year we provide funding for local landholders to protect and restore natural connections in the Abercrombie Catchment through our Landholder Grants Program.

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Plant a tree

Contact your Local Land Services office to find out which species are suitable for your local area and which nurseries you can buy them from.

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Contact us

Email: mary@k2w.org.au
Phone: 0459 352 892

Be part of the solution

Everyone has something to contribute, from participating
in one of our citizen science projects, to protecting habitat on your farm.

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