About Mary Bonet

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So far has created 6 blog entries.

Funding for Paddock Tree Recovery

The Kanangra-Boyd to Wyangala Link (K2W) Glideways program has funding available to assist farmers within the K2W conservation corridor (see map) to replace native trees and shrubs that have been lost due to drought, senescence, and the recent bushfires.
We will fund up to $3.75 (ex GST) per stem (including plant and guard) up to a […]

Funding boost for K2W Glideways

The Squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis),  Spotted-tailed quoll (Dasyurus maculatus) and Scarlet Robin (Petroicaboodang) are all listed as threatened species in NSW with some of the few surviving populations occurring within the Upper Lachlan region along the Abercrombie Corridor.

The Kanangra- Boyd to Wyangala Link (K2W for short) community conservation partnership has been awarded $200,000 for Petaurus […]

Shining a light on cave diversity

One could be forgiven for thinking that chasing spiders is not a very popular option when it comes to choice of weekend activities. However, for an enthusiastic group of adventurers, 48 hours spent combing the surrounds of Jenolan Caves resulted in 45 new species of cave-dwelling spider added to the Australian Museum record.

The survey for […]

Fun facts about our feathertails and how you can help find new species

Volplane, steer, brake and anchor. Intriguing words assigned to the habits of one of Australia’s smallest arboreal mammals, the Feathertail Glider.

From Queensland to South Australia, the tiny animal makes its home in the understory of sclerophyll forest where bark and leaves are plentiful for its communal nest building habits.

By day, the Feathertail Glider shelters in […]

Old records blitzed by new research

One hundred people and eleven ecologists descended on Wombeyan Caves in early November to help improve the flora and fauna record of the well-known and loved national park. Hosted by the Kanangra to Wyangala (K2W) Partnership, the Wombeyan Bioblitz provided people with three days of opportunity to participate in wildlife surveys, looking at everything from […]

Wombeyan BioBlitz – It’s time to nurture your inner wildlife scientist

Ever wondered what goes bump in the night? Ever wanted to recognise one frog from another? Perhaps you have a budding environmentalist in the house, or plans for retirement as a would-be field naturalist? Well, your opportunity to join like-minded folk has arrived. From November 3 to 5, the Kanangra-Boyd to Wyangala (K2W) Partnership is […]