Where We Work
Planning workshops with local organisations in the K2W Link resulted in several priority areas being selected for core onground works and investment
Prioritising conservation needs
Several key areas of the Abercrombie Catchment have been selected as target sites for Glideways projects including Copperhania Nature Reserve, the Crookwell Reserves, Abercrombie River and Wombeyan Mares Forest. They were selected, after extensive discussions with partner organisations, researchers and members of the community, as likely to provide the maximum overall benefit for gliders.

What we do
We work collaboratively with local communities, landholders and organisations across all land tenures to conserve gliders and their habitat.

The Landscape
The 319,200ha K2W Link is a natural landscape corridor following the line of the Abercrombie River, formed by the Casuarinas lining its banks, the Eucalypt forests on the surrounding hills, and the grassy box woodlands that connect them.

The Great Eastern Ranges
GER brings together people and organisations to protect, restore and reconnect habitat along a 3,600 kilometre corridor of the Great Dividing Range and Great Eastern Escarpment from western Victoria to far north Queensland.