Learning Material
Through the development of fun and informative learning material and opportunities for students to get involved in caring for their local patch of bushland we help to create the next generation of nature carers.
Inspiring the next generation
Experience has shown that education helps to instil a greater sense of care for, and connection to nature. Through our school’s nestbox program and development of learning material, Glideways helps to raise awareness of biodiversity and the benefits of a healthy environment for both people and nature.
In 2016, we worked in close collaboration with the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage, Department of Education and Training and local teachers with support from the NSW Environmental Trust to develop a Teaching Package for Stage 3 NSW students. Funding will be sought to develop similar packages for other primary school and secondary school grades.
Wildlife Corridors for Kids – Stage 3 Teaching Package
This two semester unit was developed to assist Stage 3 NSW students to learn about and understand the importance and need for connectivity conservation and the value of large landscape projects such as the Great Eastern Ranges Initiative. The package is designed to make it easy for teachers to deliver a range of Stage 3 learning outcomes across a spectrum of K-10 and K-6 syllabuses.

Wildlife Corridors for Kids

FACTSHEET 1: Biodiversity and healthy ecosystems
FACTSHEET 2: Food webs and food chains
FACTSHEET 3: Habitat
FACTSHEET 4: Movement and connectivity
FACTSHEET 5: Feral animals and weeds
FACTSHEET 6: Habitat loss and fragmentation
FACTSHEET 7: Wildlife corridors
FACTSHEET 8: The Squirrel Glider

ACTIVITY 1: What lives on our school grounds
ACTIVITY 2: Eucalypt ecosystem
ACTIVITY 3: How does the quoll cross the road?
ACTIVITY 4: Close the gaps
ACTIVITY 5: Feral animal match
ACTIVITY 6: Create a wildlife corridor
ACTIVITY 7: Are there gliders in our area
ACTIVITY 8: Make your own glider